Monday, March 5, 2007

Brothers and Sisters 1.16: The Other Walker

"I told you that lamp was really gay! And ugly!"

Silly, silly Sarah. You stupid bitch. I love how I think I'm going to start every blog about Brothers and Sisters like that. Anyways, Sarah is being completely stupid this episode. Mainly because she meets Rebecca (which is actually a fairly poignant moment), and then spills the beans on the fact that she's her sister and she hates her on principle. This causes a huge rift between Rebecca and Holly, and Holly takes Sarah's actions as a declaration of war. Sarah's all "Bring it!" Except that I'm not rooting for either of them because a war between them, at least the way it's being handled, is competely stupid.

The rest of the family is also dealing with Rebecca's reappearance... and some of them are dealing with her existence at all. Sarah, Tommy, Kevin, and Saul swear an oath of secrecy about her and decide not to tell the others, but Saul relents when he takes Nora out to lunch and she tells him she's considering making Holly part of the family. "Oh, by the way, Nora, William had ANOTHER KID!!" Nora is rightfully upset, but I am glad that Saul did it and the way he did was very touching. Of course, the Three Musketeers berate Saul for telling Nora, but he's all, "What am I supposed to do? Keep it from her?" And they're like, "Yeah! That's what we promised!" Whatever.

Kitty and Justin find out, and while Kitty freaks out in her very verbose Ally McBeal-kinda way (except without the hallucinations of a dancing baby and Barry White), Justin is the only person who's all, "Hey, has anyone wondered how Rebecca's feeling about all this?" So, he's the only one who goes to meet her and has an awkward yet sweet half-sibling to half-sibling chat.

Oh, and some gossip website is targeting Chad of being a secret homo (which he is) after catching some photos of him and Kevin lamp-shopping (which they were) and this whole silly scenario is really because Chad wants to subconsciously get outted (which he totally does), and Kevin threatens to sue the rag, which totally implicates Chad. They agree to keep their relationship to late-night fucking. Apropos.

I very much like this show, and I'm totally interested in where it'll go now that the long-alluded-to Rebecca is now in the picture. What makes the show work better as opposed to other such family shows is the politics - be it the literal politics (Republican vs. Democrat, the Iraq war, gay marriage) or the personal politics (who am I siding with? who is right?), and now with the prospect of a war within the family, I'm pretty thrilled with the possiblities. Let's hope they follow through on them.

All in all: A-

Until next time, same bat time, same bat channel.

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