Thursday, February 22, 2007

Veronica Mars 3.14: Mars, Bars

"By all means, tell me the forensics results in front of Neptune's favorite amateur crime-fighting duo!"

WHAT THE FUCK???!!!!??

Oh, Rob and Co., what did you do?! This episode was full of WTF moments in both the murder-mystery and the personal. Of the mystery WTFs: Josh takes Mason hostage in his trunk! Mindy O'Dell or Professor Landry could have been the killers since their alibis don't match up! Weevil discovers bloody evidence! Veronica is accused of bugging Landry's phone! When she didn't! Of the personal WTFs: Mac loses her virginity! To Bronson the Vegan Goody-Goody! Logan and Parker have a spark!

And, the most WTF-iest of the WTF moments: they killed Sheriff Lamb! Those bastards!

Veronica Mars has a history of killing characters. In essence, this is a murder mystery show - three of the four mysteries have revolved around a death or deaths (the Heart serial rapist is the only mystery not to claim any victims). But, they've never killed off a regular in mid-season! The only regular to bite it thusfar has been Beaver, and that was at the end of last season when he was revealed as the bus crash mastermind. Plenty of recurrings have died throughout the years (Lilly Kane, obviously; Aaron Echolls, Kendall Casablancas, Meg Manning, etc.), but... wow. And the CW didn't do the "One of the characters will DIE!" thing, of which I'm very impressed. I didn't even believe that Lamb was going to die, even when he was lying on the floor, blood gushing out of his skull after being bashed by Steve Botando. I still can't believe it, even after Keith confirms it and is promoted to Sheriff.

Anyways, onto the story: The murder-mystery-within-the-murder-mystery was wrapped up, and it is discovered that Coach Berry was dying and actually committed suicide. While that was a fine twist (plus all the "double indemnity" stuff totally harkened back to '40s noir), it sucked that the last encounter with Josh was an angry one. Pretty tragic for both of them. But I loved having Mason bound and gagged in the trunk, probably because I really thought he was totally arrogant and whatever. Too bad he didn't do it. Plus, Keith was about to be totally shot by Mrs. Berry, except for the fact that she wasn't. Sooo many red herrings.

Speaking of: I'm usually really good with keeping the details straight of the Veronica Mars mysteries of years past, but this time, I'm totally lost. In the sense of the new development. I know now that Mindy O'Dell and Professor Landry's alibis are in the shitter since now the timeline has been pushed back an hour because the Clippers game Landry claims to have watched actually aired an hour later than thought. Bam! Either of them could have done it. But I'm totally lost as to how Veronica gets to that conclusion.

No! No! Can't... claim... I.... don't.... understand... Must... LIE!!!

I totally got it. I understand all.

Why does that sound like something Amanda from Ugly Betty would say? Think about it.

Since Mindy and Landry are the prime suspects, they obviously aren't the killers. Steve Botando, Mindy's ex-husband who got his BONE MARROW STOLEN by Mindy and the Dean, was somehow involved, but was shot by Sacks after he bashed in Lamb's skull (sob!). Then, that leaves Tim Foyle as a suspect, trying to frame Landry. Or is it shady businessman Mel Stoltz, who was also involved with Coach Berry? My thought (and what I hope is true) is that it's a conspiracy between Nish, Fern, and Claire, as revenge for reinstating the Greek system and invalidating the chaos from the serial rapist.

I do love how this mystery, while completely separate from the rapist plot, is totally affected and intertwined with it. So, it still feels like a season-long mystery, though they are technically separate. And I love the continuity fairies, who I guess have deemed it that in the Neptune universe, whenever a character is dying or dead, the smell of food is always present (Lamb's last words are "I smell bread"; when Veronica thinks Keith is dead, she has a dream where he's in the kitchen and says "Do you smell bacon?").

In personal land, Veronica and Logan are broken up and not emo anymore, Mac and Bronson are dating (and fucking, as we see), Logan begins to have twitches for Parker, and Veronica is appropriately weirded out. When are she and Piz gonna finally get together? Stupid teen angsty drama!

The mystery is wrapped up next week, and I can't fucking wait.

RIP Sheriff Don Lamb. We hardly knew ye.

All in all: A

Until next time, same bat time, same bat channel.

- Cesar

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